1st International Congress of Contemporary Humanities “ICoN”

International Congress on Numanities smallToday Kaunas city launches the 1st international congress of contemporary humanities “International Congress on Numanities – IcoN”.

The topic of the congress: “The Role of Humanities in Contemporary Society: Semiotics, Culture, Technologies”. This is the first congress of its kind in Lithuania.

The congress is welcoming over a 100 participants from 17 countries such as USA, Brazil, Japan, India. The largest number of participants are coming from European countries: Finland, Italy, Estonia, Poland, Spain and many more. The “ICoN” plenary sessions will be led by 8 guest presenters.

The topics of presentations will touch upon such relevant issues as the role of humanities in the digital age, survival of humanities in the face of the financial and political crisis, projection of social change in the transmodern world, issues related to global values, manifestation of contemporary humanities, and many more.