UOSINTA invites students to participate in a traditional Lithuanian carnival called Užgavėnės "Lašininio blynvakaris"

11 February marks the 22nd Safer Internet Day in many countries worldwide to raise awareness about the benefits and dangers of the Internet. As AI tools evolve, both opportunities and threats increase, so developing critical thinking and new habits is essential. This is particularly relevant for Lithuanians - according to the State Data Agency, 90.4% of households had Internet access at home in 2024 (92.7% in urban areas, 85.3% in rural areas), which is 1.8% more than last year and 8.3% more than in 2020.
Do Lithuanians use preventive measures to protect themselves and organisations from attacks and their potential consequences? Security experts point out that successful cyber-attacks can lead to financial losses, reputational damage, and business disruption.
Read more: Data Security Must Become a Habit, Cybersecurity Experts AdviseBenas Bernotavičius, a third-year student of the Marketing Technologies study programme at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, has just returned from a six-month Erasmus Plus exchange programme at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. According to him, it is not only an opportunity to learn from foreign professors and meet students from different cultures but also a great way to test one's knowledge and ability to adapt to a new environment and get out of one's comfort zone while staying close enough to Lithuania.
Benas says he chose Marketing Technology studies because of its broad opportunities for expert sales strategies and information technology knowledge. Although today he envisages his future in marketing, he does not rule out the possibility of working in IT, as this competence allows him to differentiate himself, respond flexibly to business needs, and quickly implement the latest technological solutions. At Kaunas Faculty, he is most pleased with the lecturers, who create a great atmosphere and engagingly present the material. The theoretical knowledge he gained at university also helps him in his chosen job – Benas has been working as a sales manager for 9 months.
Read more: The VU Kaunas Faculty Student Benas Bernotavičius: Erasmus Exchange Studies Are an Invaluable...Researchers are still speculating about whether the skill of using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to improve productivity will eventually become a mandatory competency, but IT professionals do not doubt it anymore. The social partner of Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Head of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at “Hostinger” Tomas Rasymas is convinced that one employee using AI solutions can do as much work as several employees not benefiting from them. While not applicable in all fields, AI is the only way for many specialists to become and remain marketable in today's labour market.
More than 15 years of experience in generative artificial intelligence, data science and new technologies gives T. Rasymas a comprehensive understanding of the field. On 29 January, he shared his insights with students at the event "Higher Education Fair 2025" at Kaunas Žalgiris Arena, presenting the new study programme Language and Artificial Intelligence Management started at VU Kaunas Faculty. The seminar participants also had the opportunity to take an interactive test to identify counterfeits.
“Artificial intelligence offers many opportunities. Of course, the challenges are just as great, and the search for solutions constantly requires professional discussions,” says the expert, inviting us to imagine personalised services, faster diagnostics, solution development and... potential threats.
Read more: Language and Artificial Intelligence: How Linguists Are Shaping the Future of Generative AIOn 1st April 2025 at 13:45 Southwestern Advantage District Sales Leader Mr. Veiko Tell will hold a lecture about positive attitude and self-talk. The lecture will be held in English. Location of the lecture: Prof. Vladas Gronskas auditorium.
During the lecture, Mr. Tell will share what is considered a positive attitude and what impact it has on our life. The speaker will also shed light on the story you tell yourself about yourself. This lecture discusses ways to enhance self-confidence, improve self-image, and cultivate a problem-solving approach.
About the speaker
Mr. Veiko Tell is a District Sales Leader in Southwestern Advantage. During 20 years with Southwestern Advantage, Mr. Tell has coached over 500 salespeople and numerous sales leaders from different countries.
Mr. Veiko Tell has experience in sales and leadership in Eastern Europe and Northern America. He is the founder and leader of Southwestern Advantage Lithuanian division. Mr. Veiko Tell has a Bachelor’s degree from Tartu University and later has upgraded his qualification in universities in Estonia and the USA.
Mr. Tell is also a real estate investor focusing on both short-term and long-term rental residential properties. His real estate portfolio that he is running together with his wife includes properties in Estonia and South Spain.
Assoc. Prof. Giedrius Romeika, the Dean of Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Kęstutis Driaunys, the former Dean, and Prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė were awarded certificates of appreciation by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Rector of the National University of Food Technologies for active cooperation in study and research activities to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the establishment of the National University of Food Technologies. The certificates were awarded by University Professor Svitlana Gutkevych.
It is not the first time Prof. Dr Svitlana Gutkevych, the Head of the International Economics Department at National University of Food Technology, is visiting Kaunas Faculty. Cooperation with the Ukrainian academic community was initiated 12 years ago by Virginija Jurėnienė, the professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Applies Informatics in Kaunas Faculty.
Read more: Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty receives appreciation from UkraineOn 24 January, 57 bachelors and 32 masters of VU Kaunas Faculty were awarded the Vilnius University diplomas at a ceremony held at the Lithuanian Basketball House.
21 graduates have completed the Bachelor’s study programme “Information Systems and Cyber Security” taught in Lithuanian, and 28 – the same study programme taught in English; 8 graduates have completed the Bachelor’s study programme “Marketing Technologies”. 18 diplomas were awarded to the graduates of the Master’s study programme “Financial Technology” and 2 – to the graduates of the Master’s study programme “Sustainable Financial Economics”. 12 graduates have completed the Master’s study programme “Art Management”. Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude diplomas were awarded to as many as 8 graduates.
Bachelor‘s students:
Jorė Bendinskaitė, Marketing Technologies, Magna Cum Laude
Renata Marcinauskaitė, Information Systems and Cyber Security, Cum Laude
Katrin Dianov, Information Systems and Cyber Security (taught in English), Cum Laude
Turan Garashli, Information Systems and Cyber Security (taught in English), Cum Laude
Povilas Jasvilis, Information Systems and Cyber Security (taught in English), Cum Laude
Dzmitry Papkou, Information Systems and Cyber Security (taught in English), Cum Laude
Gustas Ramanauskas, Marketing Technologies, Cum Laude
Master‘s students:
Eligijus Abromikas, Financial Technology, Cum Laude
The graduates and their guests were welcomed by the Vilnius University Vice-Rector for Organisational Development and Community Affairs, Prof. Dr Vilmantė Pakalniškienė, who identified the strength of Kaunas Faculty: the interdisciplinary study programmes and research, an essential component of which is IT innovation and creativity development. To exemplify this, the Vice-Rector told the story of the world-famous “Netflix” company, which took a risk in transforming its operations by choosing new technologies, becoming a leader in its field. According to Prof. Dr Vilmantė Pakalniškienė, the ability to adapt to change and the courage to implement your ideas are always the keys to success. “The world is evolving, yet there are always individuals behind this evolution. Individuals like you who can implement their expertise, discover innovative answers, and show bravery. Individuals who are unafraid to transform the world,” she said, wishing that creativity and knowledge would always help.
The Dean of Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Giedrius Romeika, also addressed the graduates. He noted that the VU Kaunas Faculty has been running relevant study programmes and developing research significant to modern society and the state for 60 years. “I have no doubt that each of you will achieve your goals and victories, and as you celebrate, I hope that you take a moment to remember this celebration, the diploma you have received, and the Vilnius University community that has nurtured you,” he said and assured that if advice is ever needed, the graduates can always contact the same address: Kaunas Old Town, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty.
The graduates were congratulated by the Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty Vice-Dean for Infrastructure and Development, and the Chairman of the Master’s study programme “Financial Technology” Prof. Dr Saulius Masteika, the Chairman of the Bachelor’s study programme “Information Systems and Cyber Security” taught in Lithuanian Assoc. Prof. Vytautas Evaldas Rudžionis, the Chairwoman of the Bachelor‘s study programme “Information Systems and Cyber Security” taught in English Assoc. Prof. Ilona Veitaitė, the Chairwoman of the Bachelor‘s study programme “Marketing Technologies” Prof. Dr Dalia Krikščiūnienė, and the member of Vilnius University Senate and the lecturer of the Master’s study programme “Art Management” Prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė.
Guests of the Faculty and social partners – Dr Karolis Noreika, the Scrum master at “Amazon Web Services”, and Dr Darius Kulikauskas, the representative of the company “Bankera” as well as the CEO of the company “Pervesk” – also attended the ceremony.
At the VU KnF Graduation ceremony, the representative of the company “Bankera” and the CEO of the company “Pervesk” Dr Darius Kulikauskas awarded a nominal 2000 EUR UAB “Bankera” scholarship to the graduate of the Master’s study programme “Financial Technology”, Rugilė Pranskūnaitė, for the best final thesis in this field – "Automating fraud detection in financial services companies" (scientific advisor – Assoc. Prof. Paulius Astromskis).
Music at the ceremony was performed by Mangirdas Kundrotas, a student of the Master’s study programme “Art Management”, and Andželika Martinkutė, a first-year student of the Bachelor’s study programme “Audiovisual Translation”.
Watch the broadcast of the Graduation ceremony HERE
See the photos of the Graduation ceremony HERE
Vilnius University launches a specific call for early-stage researchers’ grants (up to 5 years after obtaining their PhD). This financial instrument aims to develop early-stage researchers’ skills and to strengthen their abilities to implement high-level research, innovation, and cultural development projects involving students from all levels. Successful applicants will receive funding for research implementation in the years 2025 – 2026. Vilnius University Research Promotion Fund funds these projects.
The call is open until 7 March 2025.
Read more: Call for applications for the implementation of the scientific ideas of early career stage...