In Progress
Research on Cyber Resilience Through Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Chief Information Security Officer Operations/ Kibernetinio atsparumo tyrimai taikant generatyvinį dirbtinį intelektą informacijos saugos įgaliotinio veikloje
Project title: Research on Cyber Resilience Through Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Chief Information Security Officer Operations/ Kibernetinio atsparumo tyrimai taikant generatyvinį dirbtinį intelektą informacijos saugos įgaliotinio veikloje
Call title: Impact-driven programme "Information Technologies for the Development of Science and Knowledge Society"
Project aim is to improve the cyber resilience of critical infrastructure by strategically applying generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) operations to improve the efficacy and intelligence of security specialists.
Funding source: This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-ITP-24-13.
Project budget: 259 222.72 Eur
Project implementation period: 01-10-2024–30-09-2026
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project coordinator)
Project administrator: Donatas Misiūnas
More information in the project webpage
A novel evaluation framework for selecting the best solar farm locations: A case study of Lithuania and Poland
Project title: A novel evaluation framework for selecting the best solar farm locations: A case study of Lithuania and Poland/ Naujoviška vertinimo sistema, skirta geriausių saulės parkų vietų pasirinkimui: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos atvejo analizė
Call title: DAINA 3: Polish-Lithuanian Funding Initiative
Project aim is to propose a novel, accurate, and highly reliable evaluation framework for selecting the best solar farm locations in Lithuania and Poland by integrating fuzzy GIS-MCDM and machine learning models
Funding source: This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No Nr. S-LL-24-8
Project budget: 142 022,00 Eur
Project No: S-LL-24-8. Application No: 2024/52/L/HS4/00052
Project implementation period: 02-01-2025–31-12-2027
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project coordinator)
Project head: Dr (HP) Dalia Štreimikienė, email
Enhancing the opportunities of researchers in social sciences and humanities to collaborate with the business sector in creating innovations
Project title: Enhancing the opportunities of researchers in social sciences and humanities to collaborate with the business sector in creating innovations/ Didinti socialiniuose ir humanitariniuose moksluose dirbančių tyrėjų galimybes bendradarbiauti su verslo sektoriumi kuriant inovacijas
Project aim is to strengthen the capacity to submit international proposals and evaluate the competitiveness, coherence, and potential of the upcoming international project idea "Enhancing the opportunities of researchers in social sciences and humanities to collaborate with the business sector in creating innovations" at the international level. Additionally, to prepare for submitting applications under the Horizon Europe ERA TALENTS call in 2024 and the TWINNING call on a related topic in 2026 by identifying potential partners and aligning the project idea
Funding source: the Progress Measure "Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centers" No. 12-001-01-02-01 of the 2022–2030 Development Program managed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania. Administered by: CPVA (Central Project Management Agency)
Project budget: 29 990,60 Eur
Project No: 10-038-T-0163
Project implementation period: 14-06-2024–30-09-2025
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project coordinator)
Project head: Prof. Dr Aurelija Novelskaitė, email
Project administrator: Vaidilutė Kaminksienė, el. p. vaidilutė
Multimodal argumentation in Lithuanian social advertising/Multimodalioji argumentacija lietuviškoje socialinėje reklamoje
Project title: Multimodal argumentation in Lithuanian social advertising/Multimodalioji argumentacija lietuviškoje socialinėje reklamoje
Call title: Student research during semesters
Call aim: to encourage students to engage in active scientific (artistic) activities and to raise scientific (artistic) competence, carrying out research projects during fall and spring semesters free from classroom activities, under the guidance of the research supervisor
Funding source: This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No P-ST-24-123.
Project budget: 4800 Eur
Project implementation period: 01-10-2024–30-04-2025
Project is implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies (project coordinator)
Project head: Assoc. Prof. Dr Eglė Gabrėnaitė
Project executors: student Viltė Nausėdaitė
Project administrator: Donatas Misiūnas
Leader‘s Input in Telework Arrangement Study – LITAS
Project title: Leader‘s Input in Telework Arrangement Study – LITAS (Lyderio indėlio nuotolinio darbo sąlygomis tyrimas ).
Call title: Call for applications for Young scientist research projects 2024.
Call aim: This funding scheme aims to promote interdisciplinary research at VU and the collaboration among researchers representing different research fields. This funding scheme also aims to strengthen the capabilities of young researchers to prepare an application and implement a true research project.
Funding source: Science promotion fund of Vilnius University.
Project No: MSF-JM-20/2024.
Project budget: 17 997 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-06-2024–31-12-2025.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics, Faculty pf Philosophy Institute of Psychology
Project head: Researcher Arūnas Žiedelis, Faculty pf Philosophy Institute of Psychology
Project executors: Junior researcher Oksana Pavlova, Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics
Project administrator: Donatas Misiūnas
Open Universal Science (OPUS)
Project title: Open Universal Science (OPUS).
Project aim – to develop coordination and support measures to reform the evaluation of research and researchers in research organizations and research funding organizations in order to create a framework that encourages researchers to engage in open science.
Funding source: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-45.
Project implementation period: 01-09-2022–31-08-2025.
Project budget: 1 726 898 Eur. VU budget: 61 750 Eur
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: senior researcher, Prof. Dr Aurelija Novelskaitė
Comparative assessment of the costs of the transition to low-carbon energy in the EU member states' economic sectors using the carbon dioxide shadow price method
Project title: Comparative assessment of the costs of the transition to low-carbon energy in the EU member states' economic sectors using the carbon dioxide shadow price method/ ES valstybių narių ekonomikos sektorių perėjimo prie mažaanglės energetikos kaštų lyginamasis vertinimas anglies dioksido šešėlinės kainos metodu.
Call title: Research group projects
Funding source: This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-MIP-23-36
Project implementation period: 01-04-2023–31-03-2026.
Project budget: 149 541 Eur
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. Dr Dalia Štreimikienė
Project administrator: Vaidilutė Kaminskienė, email
Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE)
Project title: Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE).
Project aim – promote non-traditional wireless cyber security solutions that are based on technical and social characteristics.
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: CA22104.
Project implementation period: 22-09-2023–21-09-2027.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: Lithuania's second representative in the Action management committee Assoc. prof. Dr Vytautas Rudžionis ,
Lithuania's second deputy representative in the Action management committee Dr Šarūnas Grigaliūnas
Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES)
Project title: Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES)
Project aim – to increase visibility of inequalities faced by ECIs from a gender perspective and to promote a sustainable dialogue between ECIs and stakeholders in the research ecosystem at the systemic level (European & national policy-makers) and the institutional level (senior researchers, academic managers) by creating a community of gender equality practitioners composed of various stakeholders (ECIs, researchers, academic managers, organizations) across Europe and beyond
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Project No: CA20137
Project implementation period: 20-10-2021–19-10-2025
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics
Project executors: Lithuania's second representative in the Action management committee, senior researcher, Prof. Dr Aurelija Novelskaitė
Digital Mental Health for Young People/ Skaitmeninė psichikos sveikata jaunimui (YouthDMH)
Project title: Digital Mental Health for Young People/ Skaitmeninė psichikos sveikata jaunimui (YouthDMH)
Project aim – to enhance research on the use of technology to support young people's mental health. It will emphasise diversity and inclusivity and will consider how technologies can support mental health from the point of initial awareness through to large-scale, evidence-based interventions
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: CA23153
Project implementation period: 24-10-2024–23-10-2028
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: Member of working groups WG1, WG4. Prof. Dr. Dalia Krikščiūnienė, email
Researcher mental health (ReMO)
Project title: Researcher mental health (ReMO).
Project aim – to understand how mental health and wellbeing can be characterised and improved, and how progress and outcomes can be measured across and within the unique workforce of researchers.
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: CA19117.
Project implementation period: 22-09-2020–21-09-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: Lithuania’s first representative in the Action management committee, senior researcher, Prof. Dr Aurelija Novelskaitė ,
Lithuania's first deputy representative in the Action management committee, senior researcher, Assoc. prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė
Soft Power Narratives: The Use of Linguistics and Multimodality in Film
Project title: Soft Power Narratives: The Use of Linguistics and Multimodality in Film.
Call title: Student Summer Internship Competition
Call aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific activities, improve their scientific qualifications
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT)
Project No: P-SV-24-169, funding agreement No Nr. S-SV-24-82
Project budget: 4000 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2024–30-08-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies
Project head: Asocc. Prof. Dr Živilė Nemickienė
Project executor: student Augustė Jurgilaitė
Studies of Lithuanian Interwar Periodicals: The Diversity of Women's Literary Criticism and Its Relationship with Humanistic Literary Criticism
Project title: Studies of Lithuanian Interwar Periodicals: The Diversity of Women's Literary Criticism and Its Relationship with Humanistic Literary Criticism.
Call title: Student Summer Internship Competition
Call aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific activities, improve their scientific qualifications
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT)
Project No: P-SV-24-76, funding agreement No S-SV-24-76
Project budget: 4000 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2024–30-08-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies
Project head: Prof. Dr Gabija Bankauskaitė
Project executor: student Emilija Gedgaudaitė
Subtitle Positioning and Visual Perception: A Comparative Analysis of the Reading Experience of Deaf and Hearing Viewer
Project title: Subtitle Positioning and Visual Perception: A Comparative Analysis of the Reading Experience of Deaf and Hearing Viewer.
Call title: Student Summer Internship Competition
Call aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific activities, improve their scientific qualifications
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT)
Project No: P-SV-24-258, funding agreement No S-SV-24-90
Project budget: 4000 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2024–30-08-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies
Project head: Asocc. Prof. Dr Jurgita Astrauskienė
Project executor: student Rugilė Žvirblytė
Reception of Visual-Verbal Play in Dubbed Animation: A Pilot Viewer Study
Project title: Reception of Visual-Verbal Play in Dubbed Animation: A Pilot Viewer Study.
Call title: Student Summer Internship Competition
Call aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific activities, improve their scientific qualifications
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT)
Project No: P-SV-24-78, funding agreement No S-SV-24-77
Project budget: 4000 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2024–30-08-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies
Project head: Asocc. Prof. Danguolė Satkauskaitė
Project executor: student Vaida Furmanavičiūtė
Analysis and Prevention of Cyber Vulnerabilities Among Working-Age Internet Users
Project title: Analysis and Prevention of Cyber Vulnerabilities Among Working-Age Internet Users.
Call title: Student Summer Internship Competition
Call aimed at encouraging students to engage in scientific activities, improve their scientific qualifications
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT)
Project No: P-SV-24-325, funding agreement No S-SV-24-147
Project budget: 4000 Eur.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2024–30-08-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics
Project head: Dr Renata Danielienė
Project executors: student Yehor Poliarskyi
Student research semester project "Methods for Integrating Expert Information and Generative Artificial Intelligence to Investigate the Content of Unethical and Misleading Advertising” (2023–2024)
Project title: Methods for Integrating Expert Information and Generative Artificial Intelligence to Investigate the Content of Unethical and Misleading Advertising /Ekspertinės informacijos ir generacinio dirbtinio intelekto integravimo metodai neetiškos ir klaidinančios reklamos turinio tyrimui .
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during semesters.
Registration No P-ST-23-245. Agreement No S-ST-23-123
Project implementation period: 01-10-2023–30-04-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. Dr Dalia Krikščiūnienė
Project is implemented by: student Jona Panceris.
Student research semester project „Research on the Effectiveness of Intellectual Technologies in Creating Virtual Opinion Formers and Impact on Shaping Customer Relations” (2023–2024)
Project title: Research on the Effectiveness of Intellectual Technologies in Creating Virtual Opinion Formers and Impact on Shaping Customer Relations / Virtualiųjų nuomonės formuotojų kūrimo intelektinių technologijų efektyvumo ir įtakos tyrimas ryšių su klientais formavimui.
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during semesters.
Registration No P-ST-23-358. Agreement No S-ST-23-160.
Project implementation period: 01-10-2023–30-04-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė
Project is implemented by: student Gabrielė Senavaitytė.
Student research semester project „Research on Consumer Confidence in Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Wallets” (2023–2024)
Project title: Research on Consumer Confidence in Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Wallets /Vartotojų pasitikėjimo kriptovaliutų biržomis ir kriptovaliutų piniginėmis tyrimas.
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during semesters.
Registration No P-ST-23-262. Agreement No S-ST-23-129.
Project implementation period: 01-10-2023–30-04-2024.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. (with the category of distinguished professor) Dr Vladislav Fomin
Project is implemented by: student Ugnius Kerulis.
Renewal of scientific infrastructure in the fields of humanities and social sciences and arts (2023)
Project title: Renewal of scientific infrastructure in the fields of humanities and social sciences and arts /Humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų ir meno sričių mokslo infrastruktūros atnaujinimas
Funding source: LMT Renewal of scientific infrastructure.
Project implementation period: 05-05-2023–31-12-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Student research during the summer project „The influence of artificial intelligence chatbots on service user's purchase intentions” (2023)
Project title: The influence of artificial intelligence chatbots on service user's purchase intentions /Dirbtinio intelekto pokalbių robotų įtaka paslaugos vartotojo ketinimams pirkti
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during the summer.
Project Agreement No: P-SV-23-198.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2023–31-08-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Assist. Dr Dovilė Balevičienė, email
Project executor: student Jorė Bendinskaitė.
Student research during the summer project „Influence of artificial intelligence on changes in consumer behavior” (2023)
Project title: Influence of artificial intelligence on changes in consumer behavior.
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during the summer.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2023–31-08-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Student research during the summer project „Audience segmentation in cultural organizations based on the concept of audience engagement” (2023)
Project title: Audience segmentation in cultural organizations based on the concept of audience engagement /Auditorijos segmentavimas kultūros organizacijose, remiantis auditorijos įsitraukimo koncepcija
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during the summer.
Project Agreement No: P-SV-23-196.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2023–31-08-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Assist. Dr Skaistė Jurėnė.
Project executor: student Veronika Kozhura.
Student research during the summer project „Application of circular economy principles in the tourism sector” (2023)
Project title: Application of circular economy principles in the tourism sector/ Žiedinės ekonomikos principų taikymas turizmo sektoriuje.
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during the summer.
Project Agreement No: P-SV-23-383.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2023–31-08-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Ilona Kiaušienė, email
Project executor: student Valeriia Hladkova
Expression of scientific authority online media articles in the headlines (2023)
Project title: Expression of scientific authority online media articles in the headlines /Mokslinio autoriteto raiška internetinės žiniasklaidos straipsnių antraštėse.
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Student research during semesters.
Project Agreement No: P-ST-22-44.
Project implementation period: 01-09-2022–31-03-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Eglė Gabrėnaitė, email
Project executor: student Gabrielė Marcinkevičiūtė.
Publishing of the scientific periodical magazine – Information & Media (2022–2023)
Project title: Publishing of the scientific periodical magazine "Information & Media".
Funding source: Funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project Agreement No: P-SV-23-383.
Project implementation period: 2022–2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. (with the category of distinguished professor) Dr Vladislav Fomin , Assoc. prof. Dr Vincas Grigas
Implementation of a blockchain-based settlement system to promote the use of services in the tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic (2021–2023)
Project title: Implementation of a blockchain-based settlement system to promote the use of services in the tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic /Blokų grandine grįstos atsiskaitymų sistemos diegimas skatinant turizmo sektoriaus paslaugų vartojimą po COVID-19 pandemijos.
Project aim – explore the possibilities of implementing a blockchain-based payment system to promote the use of services in the tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Funding source: the project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the activity of instrument 13.1.1-LMT-K-718 "Scientific research carried out by high-level research groups aimed at creating results corresponding to topics of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could later be commercialized". Funded as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project No: 13.1.1-LMT-K-718-05-0006.
Project implementation period: 04-11-2021–01-09-2023
Project head: Prof. Dr Alfreda Šapkauskienė
Project main executers: prof. Dr Aida Mačerinskienė, Assoc. prof. Dr Kęstutis Driaunys , Assoc. prof. Dr Saulius Masteika
Henry Parland's semiosphere (2021–2023)
Project title: Henry Parland's semiosphere /Henrio Parlando semiosfera.
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 "Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources" 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument "Education of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities".
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0109.
Project implementation period: 2021–2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Head of the Posdoctoral internship: prof. Dr Sigutė Radzevičienė. Podoktorantūros stažuotoja: Dr Gintarė Vaitonytė
Translation of cultural realities in contemporary Lithuanian dubbed films (2021–2023)
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 "Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources" 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument "Education of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities".
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0178.
Project implementation period: 01-07-2021–30-06-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Head of the Posdoctoral internship: prof. Dr Danguolė Satkauskaitė. Podoktorantūros stažuotoja: Assoc. prof. Dr Jurgita Astrauskienė
Creation of a database of Lithuanian youth's informal self-published newspapers (fanzines), opening to the public and phenomenon studies (2021–2023)
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, State program of Lithuanian research and dissemination 2016-2024.
Project No: S-LIP-21-30.
Project implementation period: 01-04-2021–01-10-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies (Coordinator).
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr E. Kiškina, email
Inclusive culture: the study on accessibility of audiovisual products for the visually and hearing impaired (2021–2022)
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, NMP “Welfare society”.
Project implementation period: 01-02-2021–31-12-2022.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Modernisation (or not) of the modern society: the change of values from the perspective of gender equality (ModViVeKa) (2021–2022)
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, NMP “Modernity in Lithuania”.
Project implementation period: 01-03-2021–31-12-2022.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Conceptualizing the pandemic in the Lithuanian online space: an overview of metaphors (2021–2022)
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 “Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources” 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-25-0163.
Project implementation period: 2021–2022.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Student research during the summer project “User satisfaction through emotional intelligence of the museum as a product provider” (2021)
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 „Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources“ 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-24-0053.
Project implementation period: 2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Student research during the summer project “Evaluating the results and impact of reading promotion programs” (2021)
Project title: Student research during the summer project “Evaluating the results and impact of reading promotion programs” /Skaitymo skatinimo programų rezultatų ir poveikio vertinimas“.
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 „Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources“ 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-24-0050.
Project implementation period: 2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Student research during the summer project “Art accessibility in the region for people with disabilities” (2021).
Project title: Student research during the summer project „Art accessibility in the region for people with disabilities" /Meno prieinamumas regione negalią turintiesiems.
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 „Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources“ 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-24-0082.
Project implementation period: 2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Transnational cooperation initiative fostering developing forward thinking skills of students, teachers and workforce in sustainability-relevant sectors posed by Business 4.0 trends through innovation in Business & Engineering education and training (2020–2023)
Funding source: Erasmus+ KA2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
Project budget: 254.022,00 €.
Project No: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080019.
Project implementation period: 01-10-2020–31-08-2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Student research project “Threat rhetoric: public reactions to news related to COVID-19 (2020–2021)
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 „Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources“ 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0031.
Project implementation period: 2020–2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Eglė Gabrėnaitė
Student research project “Archetypal images of woman and man in Jurgis Savickis' novel: a parallel with Henrik Ibsen's dramaturgy” (2020–2021).
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 “Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources” 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0135.
Project implementation period: 2020–2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Eglė Keturakienė.
Student research project “Linguistic landscape of big Lithuanian cities: the effect of multimodal elements in the formation of an advertising message” (2020–2021)
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 „Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources“ 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0149.
Project implementation period: 2020–2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Jūratė Radavičiūtė.
Student research project “Conceptual metaphors in Lithuanian social advertisements” (2020–2021)
Project title: Student research project “Conceptual metaphors in Lithuanian social advertisements” /Konceptualiosios metaforos Lietuvos socialinėse reklamose.
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 “Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources” 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0159.
Project implementation period: 2020–2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Dovilė Urbonienė.
Student research project “Analysis of transformations of phraseological units in the press” (2020–2021).
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 “Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources” 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument “Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities”.
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0145.
Project implementation period: 2020–2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Živilė Nemickienė.
Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research – SPEAR (2019–2023)
Project title: Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research – SPEAR.
Funding source: HOROZIN2020, H2020-SwafS-2018-1.
Project No: 824544.
Project implementation period: 01-01-2019–30-04-30 2023.
Project executor: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executor: Senior researcher, Prof. Dr A. Novelskaitė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr R. Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, email
Student research during the summer project “Internal and external factors of innovation culture in organizations” (2019)
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund (Project No 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0277) according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0277.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Student research during the summer project “A sociolinguistic study of the perception of the visually impaired to improve the quality of audio imaging descriptions” (2019)
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0278.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project executor: Hans Harry Droessiger.
Student research during the summer project “User expectations in visual arts institutions” (2019)
Project title: Student research during the summer project “User expectations in visual arts institutions” /Vartotojų lūkesčiai vizualiojo meno institucijose.
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0275.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Student research during the summer project “Peculiarities of managing virtual teams in international companies” (2019)
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0276.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Research trip project – Participation in the AIMAC 2019 conference in Venice, Italy (2019)
Project title: Research trip project "Participation in the AIMAC 2019 conference in Venice, Italy".
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-13-0279.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Participation in a scientific conference XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Conference – Rural futures in a complex world (2019)
Project title: Participation in a scientific conference XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Conference – "Rural futures in a complex world".
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-13-0287.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Scientific internship project "Participation in a scientific internship in an international company" (2019)
Project title: Scientific internship project "Participation in a scientific internship in an international company".
Funding source: The project is co-financed from the funds of the European Social Fund according to the grant agreement with The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-14-0053.
Project implementation period: 2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
“Baltic visual identity" in Soviet industrial design (2018–2020)
Project title: "Baltic visual identity" in Soviet industrial design /”Baltijos vizualinis identitetas” sovietiniame pramoniniame dizaine.
Funding source: 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program of priority 9 “Education of society and increasing the potential of human resources” 09.3.3 LMT K 712 instrument „Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities“.
Project implementation period: 01-09-2018–31-07-2020 (extended until 2020-11-30).
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Dr Triin Jerlei
Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally (2018–2021)
Project title: Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally.
Project No: 709637.
Funding source: EU Horizon 2020.
Project implementation period: 01-05-2018–30-04-2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (partner).
The spread of regional variants and the alleged common language (quasi-standard) in the early 21st century: a perceptual study (2017–2019)
Funding source: State Commission of the Lithuanian Language.
Project implementation period: 06-2017–12-2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
European Network for cost containment and improved quality of health care (2016–2020)
Project title: European Network for cost containment and improved quality of health care.
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: CA15222.
Project implementation period: 2016–2020.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: prof. Dr Dalia Krikščiūnienė, email , partnerystės prof. Dr (HP) Virgilijus Sakalauskas, email , lekt. Marius Liutvinavičius, email .
The European research network on types for programming and verification (EUTYPES) (2016–2020)
Project title: The European research network on types for programming and verification (EUTYPES).
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: CA15123.
Project implementation period: 2016–2020.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: Audrius Lopata, email , Ilona Veitaitė, email , Saulius Gudas.
Archive (2006-2017)
Language Vilnius II: city and language diversity (2014)
Project title: Language Vilnius II: city and language diversity /Kalba Vilnius II: miestas ir kalbos įvairovė.
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania.
Project implementation period: 2014.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Standart Language location in the Mental Map Lithuanian language (2014–2016)
Project title: Standart Language location in the Mental Map Lithuanian language/ Bendrinės kalbos vieta mentaliniame lietuvių kalbos žemėlapyje.
Funding source: The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language.
Project No: K-5/201.
Project implementation period: 2014–2016.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Project executor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daiva Aliūkaitė email
Project results: In 2014 carried out this project activity: Development of the research methodology of the geolinguistic competences; analysis of the materials; methodological seminar “Standart Language Location in the Mental Map of Lithuanian Language. The theoretical and methodological approaches” (18 September, 2014).
TextLink: Discourse structure in multilingual Europe (2013–2017)
Project title: TextLink: Discourse structure in multilingual Europe /TextLink: Diskurso struktūra daugiakalbėje Europoje.
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project No: IS1312.
Project implementation period: 2013–2017.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Rita Baranauskienė, email , Skirmantė Šarkauskienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Ilona Mickienė, email
Impact of Organizational Ethics on Transformation of Organizational Innovativeness to Sustainable Innovations (2013–2015)
Project title: Impact of Organizational Ethics on Transformation of Organizational Innovativeness to Sustainable Innovations/ Organizacijų etikos poveikis organizacinio novatoriškumo transformavimui(si) į darnias inovacija.
Funding source: LMT in accordance with priority 3 "Strengthening of Researcher's Capabilities" of the Human Resources Development Activity Program.
Project No: VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-042.
Project implementation period: 2013–2015.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project executor: Assoc. prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė, email
Project results: Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Pučėtaitė 2013–2015.5 research articles with the project results were published in international journals. The findings and research in progress were presented in 11 presentations in 6 international conferences e.g. XVIII World Congress of Sociology in Yokohama (Japan), annual conference of European Business Ethics Network “Business Ethics in a European Perspective - A Case for Unity in Diversity?” and 4 presentations in national conferences.Pučėtaitė R., Novelskaitė A. (2014) The mediating effect of organizational trust in the relationship between leader member exchange and organizational innovativeness. Ekonomika ir vadyba, 19 (2), p. 192-201. ISSN 1822-6515. Pučėtaitė R., Novelskaitė A. (2014) The effect of leader-member exchange on organizational innovativeness: findings from a Lithuanian public sector organization. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy and Business, No. 8, p. 159-171. ISSN 1313-2555, open access journal available at Pušinaitė R., Dilys M. (2014) The development of sustainable innovations through cooperation with stakeholders. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy and Business, No. 8, p. 172-182. ISSN 1313-2555, open access journal available at
AHRC project (2013–2014)
Project title: AHRC project (Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK) “Key Cultural Texts in Translation”, conducted at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, coordinated by Professor Kirsten Malmkjaer, who collaborates with the Intercultural Studies Group, University of Terragona (Spain) and the European
Society for Translation Studies on the project DGT-2012-TLL, investigating translation as a language learning tool.
Funding source: AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council).
Project implementation period: 2013–2014.
Project was implemented by: Department of Germanic Philology.
Project executors: prof. Dr Loreta Ulvydienė.
Translocal methodologies in gender studies (2013)
Project title: Translocal methodologies in gender studies.
Funding source: Lifelong learning Erasmus project.
Project implementation period: 2013.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Aurelija Novelskaitė, email ,Assoc. prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė, email
Development of moral competence /Moralinės kompetencijos ugdymas (2012–2014)
Project title: Development of moral competence /Moralinės kompetencijos ugdymas.
Funding source: Nordplus.
Project implementation period: 2012–2014.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Study of educational activities of cultural centers. Educational activities of cultural centers in the intercultural aspect of community mobilization (2012–2014)
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, Program of research groups.
Project implementation period: 2012–2014.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Educational Activity of Culture Centres in Terms of Intercultural Mobilisation (2012–2014)
Project title: Educational Activity of Culture Centres in Terms of Intercultural Mobilisation/ Kultūros centrų edukacinė veiklą tarpkultūriniu bendruomenių mobilizavimo aspektu.
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
Project No: MIP-023/2012.
Project implementation period: 2012–2014.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project executors: prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė, email v, Assoc. prof. Dr. Aistė Urbonienė.
Project results: Implementing the project the results were presented in one presentation that was given at the international scientific conference and in one scientific paper. Jurėnienė V., Urbonienė A. (2014) Cultural Centres as Informal Learning Environments. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Vol. 2(2), p. 97-109. Jurėnienė V., Urbonienė A. (2014) Role of Cultural Centers in Cities. Creative Urban Development: Culture, Business, Community: Conference Proceedings, November 20-21, Kaunas / editor A. Rimkutė, Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities of Vilnius University, ISBN 9786094594311.
Pro-ecological restructuring for job (PRORES) (2011–2015)
Project title: Pro-ecological restructuring for job /Proekologinis darbo vietos restruktūrizavimas (PRORES)
Funding source: Marie Curie Actions. FP7-PEOPLE-2010- IRSES.
Project No: PIRSES-GA-2010-26925.
Project implementation period: 2011–2015.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project executor: prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė, email
Project results: Country analysis with respect to sustainable development policies and actions has been carried out. The monograph is being prepared by Jurėniene Population: Lithuania, Ukraine. The team has carried out all the plans of interns as set in the project. Also it accepted and provided conditions for the internship of interns from the IWEIRN (Kiev Academy of Sciences) and NUFT (the National University of Food Technologies).
Heuropa! (2011–2013)
Project title: Heuropa!
Funding source: Lifelong learning program projects.
Project implementation period: 2011–2013.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Rita Baranauskienė, email
Memory and Identity: A Study of Multicultural Border Communities (2011–2013)
Project title: Memory and Identity: A Study of Multicultural Border Communities /Atmintis ir tapatybė: multikultūrinių pasienio bendruomenių tyrimas.
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, Program of research groups.
Project implementation period: 2011–2013.
Project was implemented by: Sociocultural Research Center.
Project executors: senior researcher, Dr Jurga Jonutytė.
The change of the concept of tradition (2011)
Project title: The change of the concept of tradition /Tradicijos sąvokos kaita.
Funding source: The preparation of the book was supported by the Lithuanian State Foundation for Science and Studies, the publishing was supported by the Lithuanian State Foundation for Science and Studies, house
Research Council of Lithuania.
Project implementation period: 2011.
Project was implemented by: Sociocultural Research Center.
Project executor: Dr Jurga Jonutytė.
Empowering women for personal careers: Promoting the activities of self-help groups in the community (2011)
Funding source: The program "Lithuanian Development Cooperation" implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
Project implementation period: 2011.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Asta Urbonienė, Prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė, email
Sociolinguistics of advertising (2010)
Project title: Sociolinguistics of advertising /Reklamų sociolingvistika.
Funding source: The Research Council of Lithuania, program of research groups.
Project implementation period: 2010.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Change in global environmental governance: threats and opportunities. Cycle of ecological and social film seminars (2009)
Funding source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
Project implementation period: 2009.
Project was implemented by: Department of Business Economics and Management.
Project executors: Prof. habil. Dr Remigijus Čiegis, email
Rhetoric and linguistics of public discourse (2007)
Project title: Rhetoric and linguistics of public discourse /Viešojo diskurso retorika ir lingvistika.
Funding source: Lithuanian State Foundation for Science and Studies.
Project implementation period: 2007.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Project executor: Assoc. prof. Dr Skirmantė Šarkauskienė, email
Integrated training programs for developing entrepreneurship (2006–2008)
Project title: Integrated training programs for developing entrepreneurship /Integruotos mokymo programos verslumui ugdyti.
Funding source: EU Structural Funds, BPD 2.4 instrument “Development of conditions for lifelong learning”.
Project implementation period: 2006–2008.
Project executors: Prof. Dr Gabija Bankauskaitė-Sereikienė, Ilona Mickienė, email
Languages on Your Screen: Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian (2005–2007)
Project title: Languages on Your Screen: Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian.
Funding source: Socrates Lingua.
Project implementation period: 2005–2007.
Project was implemented by: Department of Lithuanian Philology.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email
Taste the Language (Language promotion through food and language taster sessions) (2005–2006)
Project title: Taste the Language (Language promotion through food and language taster sessions).
Funding source: Socrates Lingua 1.
Project implementation period: 2005–2006.
Project was implemented by: Department of Germanic Philology.
Project executor: prof. Dr Loreta Ulvydienė.