In Progress
SMEs Cyber Security Change Agents (CyberAgent)
Project title: SMEs Cyber Security Change Agents (CyberAgent). (CyberAgent).
Project aim – CyberAgent aims to create a platform for the target group to acquire sustainable cybersecurity and entrepreneurial knowledge and competences to inspire, empower, up-skill, re-skill and engage SME employees taking the role as Cyber Security Change Agents and involve more women in the IT sector.
Funding source: Erasmus+, Innovation Alliances.
Project No: 101111732
Project budget: 1.494.836,00 €
Project implementation period: 01-07-2023–30-06-2026.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Renata Danielienė, email renata
Project administrator: Donatas Misiūnas, email
More information in the project webpage
Education for Standardisation in the EU (Edu4Standards.EU)
Project title: Education for Standardisation in the EU (Edu4Standards.EU).
Project aim – to specify standardization skills needed in the EU, analyzing the fragmented teaching landscape and its gaps, and developing an Innovative Teaching Concept on Standardardisation (ITCoS) suitable for various study contexts and specifically considering digital, green, and social aspects.
Funding source: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-63.
Project No: 101135705
Project implementation period: 01-01-2024–31-12-2026.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project head: Prof. (with the category of distinguished professor) Dr Vladislav Fomin
New Approaches to Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives. Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives
Project title: New Approaches to Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives. Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives
Project aim – to advance the teaching of life writing and memory studies – an area that is absent or modestly represented in the curricula of participating institutions yet constitutes a well-established international research field with long collection and research tradition in the Nordic and Baltic countries where storying lives is an integral part of cultural landscapes, supporting community resilience and social sustainability.
Funding source: Nordplus Higher Education 2024
Project No: NPHE-2024/10338
Project implementation period: 01-03-2024–01-10-2025.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (the project partner).
Participant: Assoc. Prof. Dr Eglė Keturakienė,
Promoting Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructures/2024: PROCSI
Project title: Promoting Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructures/2024: PROCSI
Project aim – the main aim of this project is to fortify cybersecurity in critical infrastructures by fostering a collaborative teaching-learning network among project partners
Funding source: Nordplus Higher Education 2024
Project No: NPHE-2024/10230
Project implementation period: 01-03-2024–01-10-2025.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (the project partner).
European Platform for Data Science: Incubation, Learning, Operations and Network (EPSILON)
Project title: European Platform for Data Science: Incubation, Learning, Operations and Network (EPSILON).
Project aim – to set up a European Knowledge Platform and initiate a new Data for Good initiative in Lithuania. The gained experience and knowledge will be transformed into target group specific learning material for higher education students, teachers and alumni..
Funding source: Erasmus+. Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices. Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in higher education.
Project No: 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000029711.
Project budget: 374.372,00 €
Project implementation period: 01-02-2022–31-01-2025.
Project is implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics.
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Giedrius Romeika, email , Prof. Dr Dalia Krikščiūnienė, email
Applied Linguistics for All (2023)
Project title: Applied Linguistics for All (AL4ALL).
Funding source: ARQUS Student Agora (European University Alliance).
Project implementation period: 01-08-2023–31-12-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project coordinator).
Project head: doctoral student Angelica Peccini.
Rural Areas and Violence Against Women (CRETCHEU) (2002–2023)
Project title: Rural Areas and Violence Against Women (CRETCHEU).
Project aim – to design, in the European higher education field, a joint educational offer, at Master’s level, in which, through a Consortium, 4 European higher education institutions and another 4 higher education institutions of third countries not associated to the Programme are committed.
Funding source: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters.
Project No: 101081899.
Project budget: 55 000 €
Project implementation period: 01-09-2022–30-11-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project partner).
Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives (2022–2023)
Project title: Teaching Nordic and Baltic Lives.
Funding source: NordPlus.
Project No: NPHE-2022/10047.
Project implementation period: 01-01-2022–31-12-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project partner).
Little Philosophers (2021–2023)
Project title: Little Philosophers.
Funding source: Erasmus+ KA220-SCH Cooperation partnerships in school.
Project No: KA220-SCH-FEE6EC2B.
Project implementation period: 01-12-2021–01-12-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project partner).
Project executors: Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Rita Baranauskienė, email .
Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games (TEGA) (2020–2023)
Project title: Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games (TEGA).
Project aim – to transform the traditional education approach and give all the students (including the ones with learning disabilities, the non-native language speakers, the more introverted personalities, among others) equal opportunities, to promote best practices in the field and enrich the skills of HE’s educators..
Funding source: Erasmus +: KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project No: 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079248.
Project implementation period: 19-10-2020–18-04-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project partner).
Project executor: Assist. Raimonda Agnė Medeišienė.
Transnational cooperation initiative fostering developing forward thinking skills of students, teachers and workforce in sustainability-relevant sectors posed by Business 4.0 trends through innovation in Business & Engineering education and training (2020–2023)
Funding source: Erasmus +: KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project No: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080019.
Project implementation period: 01-10-2020–01-09-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project partner).
Lithuanian language and culture summer courses /Lietuvių kalbos ir kultūros vasaros kursai (2023)
Project title: Lithuanian language and culture summer courses /Lietuvių kalbos ir kultūros vasaros kursai.
Funding source: Education Exchanges Support Foundation.
Project implementation period: 14-07-2023–12-08-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies.
Project head: Rita Baranauskienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Eglė Gabrėnaitė, email
Interdisciplinary project for the education of gifted children of 3-4; 5-8; 9-11 classes /Tarpdisciplininis gabių vaikų ugdymo projektas 3-4; 5-8; 9-11 klasių (2021–2023)
Project title: Interdisciplinary project for the education of gifted children of 3-4; 5-8; 9-11 classes /Tarpdisciplininis gabių vaikų ugdymo projektas 3-4; 5-8; 9-11 klasių.
Funding source: Kaunas City Municipal administration.
Project implementation period: 12-06-2021–30-03-2023.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project coordinator).
Project executor: Assoc. prof. Dr Skirmantė Biržietienė, email
Safeguarding Against Phishing in the Age of 4 Industrial Revolution (2020–2022)
Project title: Safeguarding Against Phishing in the Age of 4 Industrial Revolution.
Funding source: Erasmus +: KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project No: 2020-1-LT01-KA203-078070.
Project implementation period: 01-10-2020–11-01-2022.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project coordinator).
FuseIT: Future Competences Pathways for Marketing and ICT Education /Marketingo ir IKT ateities kompetencijų gairės (FuseIT) (2019–2021)
Funding source: Erasmus +: KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project implementation period: 01-11-2019–31-10-2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project partner).
Hackathon on Big Data Analysis and Visualization/Didžiųjų duomenų (Big Data) analizės ir vizualizavimo hakatonas (2019)
Project title: Hackathon on Big Data Analysis and Visualization /Didžiųjų duomenų (Big Data) analizės ir vizualizavimo hakatonas.
Funding source: Baltic-German University Liaison Office, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.
Project implementation period: 19-08-2019–15-11-2019.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project partner).
BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer (2018–2021)
Project title: BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer.
Funding source: Erasmus +: KA2 Strategic Partnerships.
Project No: LT01-KA203-047044.
Project implementation period: 01-09-2018–28-02-2021.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics (project coordinator).
From alienation to inclusion (FATI) (2018–2021)
Project title: From alienation to inclusion (FATI).
Funding source: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for youth.
Project No: 2017-3-CY02-KA205-001111.
Project implementation period: 01-03-2018–29-02-2020.
Project budget: 111.839,25 €
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project partner).
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Saulutė Juzelėnienė, email
MoBiLait: opening of learning opportunities for people who cannot read ordinary printed text through the network of Lithuanian libraries (2018–2020)
Funding source: 2014–2020 Project of the European Union funds investment action program priority 2 "Promotion of the Information Society" 02.3.1-CPVA-V-526 instrument "Digitalization and dissemination of cultural content".
Project implementation period: 01.06.2018–31-12-2020.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project partner).
Project head: Prof. Dr Danguolė Satkauskaitė, email , Assoc. prof. Dr Laura Niedzviegienė
Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants’ Lives (DEMO) (2017–2020)
Project title: Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants’ Lives (DEMO).
Funding source: ERASMUS+ Capacity building in higher education.
Project budget: 998.516,00 €.
Project No: 585583-EPP-1-2017-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
Project implementation period: 15-10-2017–14-10-2020.
Project was implemented by: Institute of Languages, Linguistics and Translation Studies (project partner).
Project head: Prof. Dr Danguolė Satkauskaitė, email
New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration (2014–2016)
Project title: New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration.
Funding source: Nordplus - Horizontal.
Project implementation period: 2014–2016.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Department of Business Economics and Management (project partner).
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė, email , Raminta Žemaitytė
Integrated training programs for developing entrepreneurship /Integruotos mokymo programos verslumui ugdyti (2007–2013)
Project title: Integrated training programs for developing entrepreneurship /Integruotos mokymo programos verslumui ugdyti.
Funding source: EU Structural Funds , BPD 2.4 instrument.
Project implementation period: 2007–2013.
Project was implemented by: Department of Informatics.
Project head: Prof. Dr (HP) Saulius Gudas.
AMIPA – Updating and creating new study programs for the IT and engineering fields of higher education (I and II levels) /Aukštojo m. I ir II pakopų IT ir inžinerijos krypčių studijų programos atnaujinimas ir naujų kūrimas (2007–2013)
Project title: Updating and creating new study programs for the IT and engineering fields of higher education (I and II levels) /AMIPA – Aukštojo m. I ir II pakopų IT ir inžinerijos krypčių studijų programos atnaujinimas ir naujų kūrimas.
Funding source: Human Resources Development programe, 2 priority, Lifelong Learning project.
Project implementation period: 2007–2013.
Project was implemented by: Department of Informatics.
Project head: Prof. Dr (HP) Saulius Gudas.
Renewal of study programs in the fields of social and humanities in VU KnF/ VU KnF studijų programų atnaujinimo socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų srityse (2010)
Project title: Renewal of study programs in the fields of social and humanities in VU KnF /VU KnF studijų programų atnaujinimo socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų srityse.
Funding source: Instrument VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K "Improving the quality of studies, increasing internationality" administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania..
Project implementation period: 2010.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė.
Etinės ir aplinkosauginės kompetencijos didinimas lyderystėje ir vadyboje, siekiant darnaus vystymosi /Enhancing Ethical and Environmental Competence in Leadership and Management for Sustainable Development (2010)
Project title: Etinės ir aplinkosauginės kompetencijos didinimas lyderystėje ir vadyboje, siekiant darnaus vystymosi /Enhancing Ethical and Environmental Competence in Leadership and Management for Sustainable Development.
Funding source: EC Socrates/Erasmus.
Project implementation period: 2010.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project head: Prof. Dr Virginija Jurėnienė
Development of Environmental and Ethical Competence in Leadership and Management (2029–2010)
Project title: Development of Environmental and Ethical Competence in Leadership and Management.
Funding source: Nordplus.
Project implementation period: 2009–2010.
Project was implemented by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Project head: Assoc. prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė.
Information updated: 12-01-2025