Two of the VU Kaunas Faculty of Humanities projects funded by Nordplus Framework Programme

vu khf nordplus2The Faculty has received good news from Nordplus Higher Education and Nordplus Horizontal Programmes: two of the Faculty’s projects that include Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities as both coordinator and partner have been approved funding for 2014-2016.

Master level study programmes will deepen ethical competencies

Nordplus Higher Education Programme reapproved funding for the project “Development of Moral Competence in Leadership and Management” which is coordinated by Dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.

This funding opens doors to launch an intensive course “Cases of Organinzational Ethics” (5 ECTS) for students from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Finland at Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration during the spring semester of 2015. This course in Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities will be available for the students of Accounting, Finance and Banking, Marketing and Trade Management, Art Management, International Business and Management, Business Administration, Business Information Systems Master level study programmes. The selection process will start in the end of 2014.

Moreover, the funding of the programme will allow the Faculty to invite two scientists and lecturers from Finland and Latvia as well as allow two Lithuanian scientists and lecturers to go to partner institutions. This project will extend the Faculty’s activities related to the development of moral and ethical competence and ecological awareness and develop scientific research related to ethics and social responsibility of companies.

vu khf nordplus1The Faculty is taking part in the good experience distribution

Nordplus Horizontal Programme has funded the networking and good practice exchange project “New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration” which is coordinated by the Vilnius University of Applied Sciences. The partners are higher education institutions from Estonia, Iceland and Finland. The aim of this project is to exchange the good experience of collaboration between universities, colleges, social partners and alumni, thus helping students to satisfy the requirements raised by the labour market.

The project will improve the Faculty’s competences in developing collaboration with alumni, social partners and international academic institutions.