On 1 December the 18th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference organized by the Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics of Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty took place on the Faculty ground. The conference aims to create opportunities for researchers from different countries, working in the field of social sciences and applied informatics, to establish academic contacts, spread scientific ideas, and share their discoveries. At the traditional conference, presentations were given not only by researchers, doctoral students, master students, but also by undergraduate students.
During the opening speech the Dean of Kaunas Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr Giedrius Romeika, emphasized that the 18th conference is important because the organizing committee broke the ice and decided to organize the conference live after a three-year break caused by the pandemic. Certainly, a face-to-face meeting of young researchers adds value to the conference itself. The Dean wished the participants to enjoy networking, share scientific ideas and have fruitful discussions.
The keynote presentations were given by guests from various Lithuanian organizations. During the conference, they shared their experiences related to current topics of modern business and economy.
Keynote speakers:
• Ernesta Varnelienė, Head of Exports Asia at MV GROUP Production. Markets expertise Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and others (Lithuania): What you need to know before you start export to Asia?
• Gintarė Dagytė-Kavoliūnė, Senior Marketing Project Manager at Go Vilnius, PhD candidate at Vilnius University (Lithuania): Can we empower neurotechnologies to increase sustainable consumer behavior?
• Assist. Prof. Dr Renata Danielienė, Project manager of CyberAgent: SMEs Cyber Security Change Agents project at VU Kaunas Faculty, Assistant Professor at VU Kaunas Faculty (Lithuania): Cyber security challenges for small and medium-sized businesses
The following scientists were awarded for the best presentations in the main sections:
• Section A. Development of Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Paulius Grendelis (Mykolas Romeris University School of Law, Lithuania) Potential Consequences of the Strategic Exploitation of Intellectual Property Protection for the Development of Innovation;
• Section B. Development of Business, Innovation and Sustainable Development: Gabija Stanislovaitytė (Vilnius University, Lithuania) The Role of Forests in Decarbonization of Economy and Creation of Carbon Neutral Society: Systematic Literature Review;
• Section C. Information and Communication Technologies in Finance, Management and Marketing Solutions: Neringa Mžavanadze (Vilnius Tech, Lithuania) Enhancing Supply Chain Synchronization in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry.
Noteworthy conference statistics:
• the conference was held for the eighteenth time.
• 9 times it was organized on an international level.
• organized live after a three-year break.
• 19 presentations were given in the main sections of the conference (participants represented not only Lithuania, but also Latvia, Turkey, Hungary, Finland).
• 24 presentations were given by undergraduate students in additional sections (participants represented not only Lithuania but also Ukraine, India, Egypt, Cameroon, Jordan, Thailand, Spain, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan).
The Book of Abstracts of the conference will be published in an electronic format accompanying the programme. The articles prepared after the conference will be published in the peer-reviewed electronic publication of the conference "Proceedings of 18th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference".
Learn more details about the conference programme:
The conference returned after a three-year break and was organized in person. Although a few participants joined and gave presentations online, the organizers were very appreciative of the fact that most of the participants joined the conference in person.
The head of the conference organizing committee Assoc. Prof. Dr Ingrida Šarkiūnaitė
Member of the conference organizing committee doctoral student Aistė Kukytė