Celebrate International Translators’ Day with VU KNF!

vertimo konkursas 2024 webEvery year on 30 September, VU Kaunas Faculty celebrates the International Translators’ Day with various creative initiatives. This year, students, lecturers, administrative staff and other members of the community are invited to visualise the professional activity of a translator using creative video, audio and language tools.

“We invite students to unleash their creativity and participate in our exciting contest. Show us what translation means to you by creating an original piece of art that represents the role of a translator!” says Assoc. Prof Jurgita Astrauskienė, the lecturer at the Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.

“We encourage participants to explore audio, visual, or a combination of both mediums to express their understanding of translation,” explains Assoc. Prof Jurgita Kerevičienė, the lecturer at the Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies.

Choose Your Medium. Possible creative formats:
• Visual arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage.
• Literary works: poems, short essays, or dramatic monologues.
• Performing arts: theatre, dance, or performance art.
• Music & sound: original songs, soundscapes, or audio stories.
• Audiovisual: short films, stop-motion, animated videos, and more!

Submission deadline: 28 September 2024.
Submission email:
The best works will be awarded special prizes!

The submissions will be judged on the following:
1. Creativity and Originality: Does the work offer a unique or innovative perspective on what it means to be a translator? How imaginatively does the participant approach their chosen medium?
2. Relevance to the Topic: How well does the work reflect the participant’s understanding of the translator’s role? Does it encourage reflection on the importance or complexity of translation?
3. Technical Skill and Clarity: Is there skillful integration of multiple forms (e.g., video, music, and visual arts) to communicate the translator’s role? Does the work clearly and effectively communicate its intended message?

Exhibition date: 30 September 2024, at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty (at 15:30 in the foyer next to A. Ružės auditorium).