On 17th of December, 2021 a Multiplier Event (ME) – „ Nākotnes kompetences ceļš mārketingam” – FuseIT “was organized for “FuseIT: Future competences pathways for marketing and ICT education“ project at the ISMA premises in Riga, Latvia (1 Lomonosova Str., building 7, room 315&314).
During the ME, the project team of ISMA presented the projects results for the total 44 participants. The main aim was to give information about the result of the project to the target groups audience:
- Students at university;
- Educators, university staff, adult education centers etc.
- Business sector (employer and employee).
During the questions-and-answers sessions all the intellectual outputs were disseminated and maximum infomation was shared. Though there were no speakers from non-participating organizations, the event was very postiviely rated by its participants.
Agenda of the Multiplier Event (EN, LV)
Presentations (Petijumi un vadlinijas digitala marketings kompetencu integracijai Ievads online kursa FuseIT macibu programmas Scenarija instruments)