The Conference on Information Technologies

IT logo27 April 2018, Kaunas, Lithuania

The 23rd Conference „Information Society and University Studies“ IVUS2018 is a joint event that brings together three conferences: IT2018, ICYRIME2018, SYSTEM2018 and is aimed at Master & PhD students as well as at young scientists at the beginning of their career to share ideas, present research results and provide new scientific opportunities. The participation of researchers and practitioners of the field is also encouraged. 

The Conference Information Technologies IT2018 aims at stimulation of cooperation and creation forum for discussions between Master,PhD students, young scientists, researchers, practitioners and commercial institutions to provide new scientific and career opportunities.


Submission guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in English. A manuscript should not exceed more than 5000 words and 12 pages, with the IEEE conference template.



Call for Papers NEW!

The submission system is available at EasyChair.


Important dates

12 02 2018 - Paper submission deadline

28 02 2018 - Submission deadline EXTENDED

04 03 2018 - FINAL CALL

20 03 2018 - Notification of paper acceptance

27 03 2018 - Camera ready papers for pre-proceedings

27 04 2018 - Conference and online sessions

11 05 2018 - Camera ready papers for post-proceedings

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For more information, please contact publicity chair

Ilona Veitaitė

Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty, Institute of Applied Informatics