The 23rd conference „Information Society and University Studies“ (IVUS 2018)

ivus 2018On 27 April, the 23rd conference ”Information Society and University Studies“, organised for Master, PhD students and young researchers, finally took place. The conference was held in Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Kaunas, Lithuania.

IVUS2018 is a joint event that brings together three conferences and is aimed at Master and PhD students as well as young scientists at the beginning of their career to share ideas, present research results and provide new scientific opportunities. The participation of researchers and practitioners of the field is also encouraged. In 2018, three conferences are brought under this event: IT2018, ICYRIME2018 held on 27 April and SYSTEM2018 will take place on 29 May in Gliwice, Poland.

Iivus2018T2018 is a traditional annual conference organized since 1995 in succession by Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Kaunas University of Technology, and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania).

ICYRIME2018 is an international conference dedicated to young scientists taking their first steps as autonomous authors and contributors in the field of Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Informatics, Electronics, Maths and applied sciences. It is organized by University of Catania, Catania, Italy since 2016.

SYSTEM2018 is an international symposium for young scientists organized by Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland since 2016.

ivus2018 vuknfThe organizing committee would like to thank all the participants and guests for sharing their research, ideas, and future works. This year, the conference was certainly international for the second time. It included participants from Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Georgia, India, Nigeria, Russia, Greece, Morocco and Moldova.

Half of the presentations were delivered from a distance. We would like to thank the participants for joining us despite the differences in time zones or technical obstacles.

During the conference, one paper received the best paper award. We would like to congratulate the authors from Georgia once more:

Maksim Iavich, Giorgi Iashvili and Avtandil Gagnidze: „Hash based digital signature scheme with integrated TRNG“.

Conference papers will be published online in CEUR WS

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