Update: Dialect Translation in Multimedia rescheduled to be held online on May 6-7, 2021
we are inviting You to submit abstracts to the 8th International Conference on Dialect Translation in Multimedia (MultiMeDialecTranslation 8) which will be held online on 6-7 May 2021.
MultiMeDialecTranslation is an interdisciplinary conference, operating at the interface of linguistics, media, communication, and translation studies. It is a continuous scientific event organized since 2002 in different European universities.
Topic Areas
Relevant topic areas of the conference include, but are not limited to:
- audio-visual translation of language varieties (dubbing, subtitling, voice-over),
- dialect translation of language varieties in the context of minority languages and regional languages,
- translation of language varieties on stage (theatre, opera, songs, comedy shows, stand-up comedy),
- translation of language varieties in comics and graphic novels,
- translation of language varieties in audio description and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing,
- rendering of language varieties in video game localization,
- translation of culture specific items in audiovisual production,
- features of amateur translation of audiovisual content,
- translation of language varieties and diglossia,
- polysemiotic translation of language varieties and foreign language teaching.
Keynote Speakers
Łukasz Bogucki
Institute of English Studies, University of Łódź, Poland.
He has published extensively on the theory of audiovisual translation. He has founded the Polish audiovisual translation research group Intermedia. Apart from audiovisual translation, his research interests are the theory and methodology of translation and interpreting.
A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Decision-Making in Subtitling
This paper aims to investigate the process of decision-making in subtitling of feature films and entertainment series. The study of constraints on subtitling is done within the cognitive framework of Relevance Theory, a communicative approach put forward by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in 1986. Several categories of examples of (mostly) English - Polish subtitling will be presented. The examples will illustrate the practice of subtitling with a view to demonstrating how subtitlers, knowingly or not, make use of the principles of relevance in their work. In the case of translation errors, it is shown how the quality of subtitling could be improved by following the general rules and principles of relevance.
Luc van Doorslaer
Translation Studies Unlimited: The Challenges of Transmediality and Transdisciplinarity
For many decades already the discipline of translation studies considers itself an interdiscipline, with varied input from and exchange with other fields, most prominently linguistics, literary studies, communication studies and sociology. The study of translation reality has gradually widened the scope of research. Whereas the original focus was mainly linguistic, the varied usages and applications of translation have widened the object of research. Fields of application such as media translation or news translation have illustrated convincingly that a purely linguistic approach was far too narrow for including all aspects of complex transfer included in translation. This becomes particularly visible in our post-print era at the beginning of the 21st century, with its boom of transmedial text production and reproduction. Text rewritings are no longer considered second-hand, but products with a high invention degree. This includes various offshoots, spinoffs, co-writings, adaptations, recontextualizations, and also translations in its many forms. At the same time, the broadening of the object of research can also jeopardize the specificity of the discipline of translation studies. This presentation will deal with checks and balances of transmediality and transdisciplinarity for translation studies.
Danguolė Mikulėnienė
The Institute of Lithuanian Language; Vilnius University, Lithuania.
Her research interests include geolinguistics, dialectology of Baltic languages, synchronic and diachronic accentology, morphonology, Lithuanian history, and history of Lithuanian linguistics.
Daiva Aliūkaitė
The Institute of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies; Vilnius University, Lithuania.
Her research interests include geolinguistics, perceptual dialectology, and sociolinguistics.
The Translation of the Naive Estimator’s Narrative to the Dialectological Discourse: Bridging Diverse Perspectives
The scholars aim to present the research based on the perceptual dialectology techniques performed in 2014–2016 and 2017–2019 which focusses on the translation of the narrative of the naïve estimator. The professors seek to provide insights into the relations between the emic discourse which is created by the naïve estimators and the etic discourse which is created by the dialectologist (view from outside).
Conference Languages
The conference languages are Lithuanian, English and German. We recommend parallel language use for giving papers and presentations, covering at least two of the conference languages.
Abstracts and Registration
Abstract submission deadline (extended): 1 February 2021.
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2021 at the latest.
Registration for participants without presentations: 15 March 2021.
Please find the registration form here: https://forms.gle/ipEcmsb2WfNHk17W6
Conference Fee
Conference fee: 80 €
Conference fee for participants without presentations: 20 €
All registered participants will receive certificates of attendance after the conference by email.
International Scientific Committee
Camilla Badstübner-Kizik, Poland
Klaus Geyer, Odense, Denmark
Irmeli Helin, Turku, Finland
Herta Maurer-Lausegger, Klagenfurt, Austria
Danguolė Satkauskaitė, Kaunas, Lithuania
Local Organisers
Danguolė Satkauskaitė, Lina Abraitienė, Jurgita Astrauskienė, Skirmantė Biržietienė, Robertas Kudirka
Important Dates
Extended submission of abstracts: 1 February 2021
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2021
Payment of conference fee: to 1 April 2021
Conference programme: 15 April 2021
Virtual conference: 6-7 May 2021
Danguolė Satkauskaitė, danguole.satkauskaite@knf.vu.lt
Please use this form for registration: https://forms.gle/ipEcmsb2WfNHk17W6