19th Prof Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference 2024

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19th Prof Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference invites Master and Ph.D. students as well as other researchers working in the field of social sciences and applied informatics to share their discoveries, disseminate scientific ideas and establish academic contacts at the most important classical (comprehensive) university of science in Lithuania! Students who want to deepen their knowledge in the fields of Economics, Finance, Management, Business Administration, Marketing and are eager to get acquainted with the subtleties of these fields are also invited to participate in the conference.

Take the opportunity to publish your paper in CA Web of Science!

Opportunities to publish papers: Selected extended papers will have the opportunity to be published in Information & Media (https://www.journals.vu.lt/IM , Scopus Q3, eISSN 2783-6207).

The authors of the two papers that best fulfil the qualitative requirementsselected by the Scientific Committee will be invited to submit a paper manuscript for publication in the CA Web of Science journal Transformation in Busines & Economics (CA Wos Q3, Scopus, ISSN 1648-4460)*.

The conference will be held at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Muitinės Str. 8, Kaunas, Lithuania.

 * Two papers which best meet qualitative requirements.


This conference has received financial support from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-MOR-24-9.

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TELL ME MORE 2024: Translation Conference for Students and Early Career Researchers

Held at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty



The students and young scholars of all study levels are welcome to participate in the conference on translation TELL ME MORE, which will be held on 07 May 2025 at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty (Muitinės str. 14) and online via Microsoft Teams.

We invite students to discuss scientific and practical problems of translation and present their research results. We also encourage lecturers to participate in the conference and present research with students as co-authors.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

If you have any questions, please contact via email:  


29th International Conference Information Society and University Studies – IVUS 2024


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29th International Conference „Information Society and University Studies“ IVUS2024 is the continuation of the annual conference series organized in succession by three universities: Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas University of Technology. The event was started in 1995. In 2017, the conference became an international event. For the reason of a long history of this conference, we left conference acronym according to it's Lithuanian title "Informacinė visuomenė ir universitetinės studijos" – IVUS.

And since 2017, it is a joint event that brings together our colleagues and organising partners Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.

These conferences are aimed at Master & PhD students together with their supervisors as well as at young scientists, researchers, practitioners of the field to share ideas, present research results and provide new scientific opportunities.






Conference venue: Muitinės str. 14, Kaunas faculty, Building IV, IIIrd floor, VK st.


IVUS2024 Conference online: MS Teams (Meeting ID: 329 444 179 924, Passcode: XZVhBn)

(Please join to the MS Teams meeting with your full name and lastname)









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Since 2011, Celonis, using industry-leading process mining technology and AI, has helped thousands of the world’s biggest and best companies yield cash impact, and improve customer experience. With the help of data mining techniques for business processes Celonis presents companies with a living digital twin of their end-to-end processes. Giving everyone a common language for how the business runs, visibility into where value is hiding, and the ability to capture it.

AL4ALL Applied Linguistics for All:  a specialized forum on methods for language lovers and students of all disciplines


Are you a PhD candidate or a young researcher at an Arqus university? Do you use Applied Linguistics methods in your research, or would you like to know more about it? Are you looking for an international forum to present your method and discuss it with peers? If so, we invite you to apply as a presenter for AL4ALL.


18th prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference

Held at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty



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18th prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference invites Master and Ph.D. students as well as other researchers working in the field of social sciences and applied informatics to share their discoveries, disseminate scientific ideas and establish academic contacts at the most important classical (comprehensive) university of science in Lithuania! Students who want to deepen their knowledge in the fields of Economics, Finance, Management, Business Administration, Marketing and are eager to get acquainted with the subtleties of these fields are also invited to participate in the conference.

Take a chance to publish your article in the ISI Web of Science journal Transformations in Business & Economics *

This year the conference will be held at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Muitinės Str. 8, Kaunas, Lithuania.

 * Two articles which best meet qualitative requirements.



The 15th International Conference "Culture & Creativity"



The conference is organized by Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics, scientific group “Creative Industries and Innovations” and Vilnius Academy of Arts Kaunas Faculty. 

The 15th International Conference on "Culture & Creativity"* invites leading academic scientists, researchers, scholars, and professionals to discuss current trends and issues in cultural management and the creative industries. This conference provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns in these fields. We welcome discourse on the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the realms of Cultural & Creative Industries, Creative Business, and Arts & Culture Management and Marketing. 

* Please note, this conference will be held remotely.

Scientific conference of Lithuanian Philology students "Final Rehearsal"


Scientific conference of Lithuanian Philology students "Final Rehearsal"

Held at Vilniaus University Kaunas Faculty




On May 11, 2023, a scientific conference of Lithuanian philology students "Final Rehearsal" is being held at the Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty.

We invite third, fourth year undergraduates and first, second year graduate students of Vilnius university Kaunas Faculty Institute of Language, Literature and Translation Studies and Faculty of Philology to present their courseworks or final theses, share scientific insights and discoveries.


TELL ME MORE: Translation Conference for Students and Early Career Researchers

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TELL ME MORE: Translation Conference for Students and Early Career Researchers

Held at Vilniaus University Kaunas Faculty




Students of all study levels are invited to participate in the TELL ME MORE: Translation Conference for Students and Early Career Researchers. Participants are encouraged to present their research results, engage in discussions on theoretical and practical translation issues and share their experience.

The conference will be held at Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (Muitinės str. 8). Participation in the conference is free of charge. 


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