TELL ME 2014

Lietuviškai русский

We kindly invite language students and scientists to participate in

the international conference

„Thought Elaboration: Linguistics, Literature, Media Expression”

Tell Me 2014

The conference will be held on 2-3 April, 2014

Languages: English, Russian or Lithuanian.

Suggested topics for reports:

  • Translation strategies and challenges;
  • Interactions between text and context;
  • Linguistic factors for contemporary language perception;
  • Language of media society;
  • Dimensions of audiovisual art;
  • Interaction between information/communication technologies and text;
  • Creative workshop
  • Thought elaboration: surprise us with a topic of your own!

Important dates

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: 1March, 2014

The programme of the conference will be send by 31 March, 2014

Conference fee: students 25 Lt; scientists 50 Lt


This year the articles based on the conference reports will be published on a continuous electronic scientific publication (ISSN 2345-0703).

Find the registration form here 

For more information:


address:   Vilnius University

                 Kaunas Faculty of Humanities

                 Department of Germanic Philology

                 Muitinės st. 12, LT-44280, Kaunas