vu kaune 2020Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Socialinių mokslų ir taikomosios informatikos institutas tęsia prof. Vlado K. Gronsko seminarus, skirtus darnaus valstybės vystymosi mišrios ekonomikos sąlygomis analizei.

Keturioliktasis seminaras “Implementation of weakly structured systems” įvyks 2022 m. gegužės 26 d. 15.00 val. Seminaras vyks V auditorijoje (neturintiems galimybės atvykti – MS Teams aplinkoje). Seminaras vyks anglų kalba.

Traditional implementation of an information system assumes that the IT system to be implemented is highly structured, carrying on regulatory functions expressed in organizational rules scripted into the system. Subsequent implementation seeks compliance with stated regulatory needs through a staged process, where the organization’s members are made to comply with the scripted rules. In this work we propose an alternative view of implementing IT systems when such systems are weakly structured. In these systems, most scripted rules express composition and behavior of digital objects, which organizational members tend to voluntarily enact as part of their tasks. E-mail, knowledge management systems, and social media, among others, fall into this category. We examine implementing such systems as a regulatory process sui generis – as a movement from local practices, where system uses are discovered as affordances, to wider rule sets that regulate and enforce shared deployment of such affordances. Our analysis forges a connection between individuals’ invention of and resistance to system use and related organizational incentives and the collective dynamics of materializing, interpreting, and establishing rules to further the system’s use. This study contributes three significant perspectives to the research on technology-mediated organizational change: 1) implementation as joint regulation; 2) the role of affordances and material technologies in enabling change; and 3) the dynamics of implementation as joint regulation.

About the author

Vladislav V. Fomin is a Distinguished Professor at Vilnius University and a Visiting Professor at the University of Latvia and Excelia Business School in France. Prior academic positions were held at University of Jyväskylä, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Copenhagen Business School, Delft University of Technology, Montpellier Business School, Rotterdam School of Management, and Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania.

Professor Fomin’s research interests encompass the fields of organizational innovation, digital infrastructure development, technology standards and standardisation, technology strategy and policy. Prof. Fomin has over 100 scientific publications in various journals, conference papers and books, including Information Systems Research, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Telecommunications Policy, and other.

Relevant publications:

de Vaujany, François-Xavier, Vladislav V. Fomin, Kalle Lyytinen and Stefan Haefliger (2018). “Rules, Practices and Information Technology (IT): A Trifecta of Organizational Regulation.” Information Systems Research (ISR).

Lyytinen, K. J., Keil, T. and Fomin, V. V. (2008). “A Framework to Build Process Theories of Anticipatory Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standardizing” International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research (JITSR) (6:1), January-March, pp 1-38.

On behalf of the event coordinators,

Prof. Dr. habil. Remigijus Čiegis