Date: March 25, 2015
International conference
The purpose of the conference is to discuss the impact of ethical factors at organizational level, e.g. ethical leadership, ethical organizational culture, organizational trust etc. on organizational innovativeness and innovation in different socio-cultural contexts. The event is organized in search of answers to the question how organizational ethics and ethical organizational practices can foster innovative products, new ways of reaching (new) and maintaining customers, innovative problems-solving, decision-making, management processes and strategies so that they do not put sustainability at risk but rather foster it for future generations.
The conference participants will have a chance to discuss theoretical and managerial implications of the results of the Global Grant project "Impact of organizational ethics on transformation of organizational innovativeness to sustainable innovations" (Project No. 3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-042, lead researcher dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė, 2013-2015) that has been financed by European Social Fund.
Conference language: Lithuanian and English (simultaneous translation in the plenary session).
A planned length of the presentations is 15-20 min. followed by 10 min. discussions.
The conference rooms will be equipped with computers, internet access and multimedia.
The conference participants will receive certificates. Participation is free but because of limited space we ask you to register to the event by March 10, 2015
Conference topics:
- Ethics and innovativeness from a socio-cultural perspective
- Ethical aspects of decision-making in management
- Organizational ethics and organizational innovativeness
- Ethical organizational culture and organizational outcomes
- Ethical leadership and creativity
- Moral emotions and organizational innovativeness
- Research methods of ethics in organizations
- Innovations in public sector organizations
- Innovativeness in cultural / arts organizations
- Sustainable / Responsible (eco, social) innovations
Organizing committee
Conference organizing committee:
Chair person: Assoc. prof. dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė, VU
Rasa Poškuvienė, VU
Mantas Dilys, VU
Gabrielė Vilutytė, VU
Laura Markūnaitė, VU
Conference scientific committee:
Chair person: Assoc. prof. dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė, VU
Assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Pušinaitė
Assoc. prof. Aurelija Novelskaitė, VU
Prof. Nijolė Vasijevienė, Mykolas Romeris University
Doctoral seminar
A doctoral seminar will precede the conference on March 24, 2015. During this seminar, doctoral students will have an opportunity to present their PhD projects and receive comments from experienced researchers. Doctoral theses should relate to the conference topics.
Moderator of the seminar: prof. Anna-Maija Lämsä.
Anna-Maija Lämsä is Professor of Human Resource Management at the School of Business and Economics of Jyväskylä University, Finland. Her main research interests are ethical approaches to management, leadership and organizations, CSR, organizational trust, gender and managerial careers, women’s leadership and management development. She researches these topics in different socio-cultural contexts.
A planned length of the presentations is 20 min. followed by 20 min. discussions.
Doctoral students who want to participate in this seminar should send a summary of 2000-5000 words length in Lithuanian or English to raminta [DOT] pucetaite [AT] khf [DOT] vu [DOT] lt by February 28, 2015.