Vilniaus universiteto Kauno fakulteto Socialinių mokslų ir taikomosios informatikos institutas tęsia prof. Vlado K. Gronsko seminarus, skirtus darnaus valstybės vystymosi mišrios ekonomikos sąlygomis analizei.
Šešioliktasis seminaras „Universities, Sustainability and Climate Change: towards integrated approaches“ vyks 2022 m. rugsėjo 21 d. 15.00 val. (Language of the presentation - English). Seminaras vyks Teams aplinkoje. Nuoroda čia.
About the author
Professor Walter Leal holds the Chairs of Climate Change Management at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). He directs the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability Development and Climate Change Management". His main research interests are in the fields of sustainable development and climate change, also including aspects of climate change and health.
He holds various doctoral degrees, such as the degrees of:
• Philosophy Doctor (PhD)
• Doctor of Sciences (DSc)
• Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)
• Doctor of Education (DEd)
• Doctor of Letters (DL)
• Doctor of Technology (DTech)
He is a member of the following professional bodies:
• Fellow, Society of Biology
• Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (FRGS)
• Fellow, Linnean Society (FLS)
His field experience in over 70 countries, involves missions undertaken on behalf of various international organisations (e.g. European Union, World Bank, OECD, UNESCO, UNEP) and attendance to specialised events in North America, Latin America/Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia and Pacific Region, and the Middle East.
Among the many awards he has received, it can be mentioned the 1999 “Leading Editor of the Year Award” and the 2000 “Editor of the Year Award”, by MCB University Press, the “Eco-Citizen Award” (2001) in Rio de Janeiro and the Aurelio Giuseppe Prize awarded by the Italian Council of Ministers for his environmental work. Moreover, he was awarded the “Golden Page Award” (April 2003) in London for his editorial work and the North Sea Star Award (2006) by the EU-Interreg Secretariat for his project work in the North Sea Region.
In the field of sustainable development, Professor Walter Leal is the founder of the European School of Sustainability Science and Research and of the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP).
He is also editor of the World Sustainability Series with Springer.
In addition, he ist the founding editor of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) launched in the year 2000. IJSHE is the only journal which fully focuses on sustainability in a higher education context.
Professor Walter Leal is also Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals currently being prepared. With 17 volumes, one devoted to each SDG, more than 1.700 chapters and in excess of 2.300 authors, this is the largest editorial project on matters related to sustainable development, ever undertaken.
In the field of climate change, Professor Walter Leal is equally active. Apart from this contributions ot the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a Review Editor (AR5) and Lead Author and Contributing Author (AR6), he is the founder and Chairman of the International Climate Change Research and Information Programme (ICCIRP), created in 2008. He has extensive experience on climate change adaptation, especially in developing countries, and created in 2008 the „Climate Management Series“ with Springer, which is the leading peer-reviewed book series on climate change. The Series, to which he acts as the Editor, has produced to date a comprehensive body of publications on climate change, among which mention may be made to the Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation with 3 volumes and around 150 authors, and the Handbook of Climate Change Resilience with 4 volumes and over 200 authors. Professor Walter Leal is also founding editor (also in the year 2008) of the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, an open access journal which works on the nexus between climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Professor Walter Leal regularly provides advice for banks (e.g. KfW, World Bank), and has been member of the investigation panels of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as part of their project complaint mechanisms. He frequently offers expert advice to credit institutes, development and aid agencies (e.g. DFID, SIDA, GIZ, NORAD, UN organisations, regulatory bodies and various foundations). He also often acts as an evaluator for funding bodies, UN agencies and research councils, in the process of examining project proposals. His long-term experience with project design and management means that he is well placed to provide advice and technical support to these agencies, which may guide their funding decisions and future project development plans.
Professor Walter Leal is fluent in various languages such as English, German, Portuguese, Spanish and French, which is very helpful in performing international assignments.
Organizatorių vardu:
Prof. habil. dr. Remigijus Čiegis